Sunday, 25 October 2015

sem 2 diploma in banking uitm

haii ollss dh lama x typing....
sebenarnya mood mengedit dh dtg so bke stiap hri lappy edit la blog nie...
sebab hri 2 pkai blog nie utk assgmnt jap sbb mls dh nk create new blog...

ok straight foward...

sem 2 ad 8 mohon la menangis sebab smua subjek membaca...
so smua blh dikatakan faktanya jugak setiap kli ad test or quiz aq hafal point je... 

ok this is the subjek for semester 2
-CTU 151/IDA152

that all ok nk tw lebih lanjut baca smpai tamat cerita
KOKO= koko nie klw mcm hana hana amk jpam so smpai part 3 la jpam x leh tukar..but if u alls dpt palapes / kesat sem 2 blh tkr koko yg uolls nk...

CTU151= pemikiran dan tamadun islam
ok this is pendidikan islam or agama...the  best thing about this subject it it about sejarah mmg best...sbb dia belajar mki dlm dr yg kite belajar sebelum nie...ok IDA152 for non-muslim... 

ELC150=integrated language skill:reading
this is bi...ok nie klw terer bi best la sbb nnti ad satu task kne bwt depan lect and korg kene bincang satu topic 2 dlm group..masa task nie berlaku korg kne bg idea dan blh bangkang idea org lain..last sblm hbs task korg kne conclude ap yg korg nie mcm skill ckp aq kelaut speaking broken english je :'(..

spt entry sblm nie hana ad story kn hana amk TAC151 aka arabic language...
btw sem nie sgt2 puas hty sbb i better than sem 1...
btw arabic utk sem 2 so difficult for those who are lazy to make a practice...thank to my lect becoz give our class many practice...but sometime look like want to cry...becoz kne pnuhkn satu paper...TMC151 mandrin/bahasa xdpt nk citer pnjng...sbb x tw...n x blaja

ok nie eco blaja curve2..kira2..demad and supply....ok for your info ad yg ckp this is KILLER SUBJECT..btw klw bwt btl2 blh lulus...think positive ok

MKT243=fundamental of marketing 
ok nie blaja pasal market and marketing..korg ad assgmnt yg kne terangkan marketing philosophies and 4p..and bnyk lg la..nnti dh blaja u will know..

MGT269=business communication
ok nie pling best...u know cra2 nk bwt interview ad mock meeting...subjek nie more learnt how to communicate,confidence and other..

INS200=risk and insurance
it about insurance..but for your info this is KILLER do your best...insurace nie best blaja psal jnis2 insurance apa yg dia cover..and nnti akn ad satu assgmnt yg suruh ko research about place that hazard to risk...assgmnt nie guna risk management process ad 5 process..

ok meet you again 
sorry if ad yg tkt dgn apa yg aq not about nk menakut2kan korg..but nk suruh korg usaha and apa aq citer berdasarkan pengalaman sendiri and batch ats2...btw trust me..if Another person can do why not you...


  1. Salam..sis singgah cni..
    uitm dihatiku..kenangan btul..

  2. Salam..sis singgah cni..
    uitm dihatiku..kenangan btul..


sayang kamoo...thanz form comment
ad mase datang lah lagi....komen baik2....kerana anda adlh insan yang baik <3 <3